We need to bring respect back to Philadelphia
Improving the quality of life on our neighborhood is a must!!
A change is needed NOW in Philadelphia
It’s time to clean house and elect Gary Grisafi who will put the people, taxpayers and neighborhoods first.
We need a new, strong, honest, creative and passionate voice in City Council. We need a new attitude in City Hall!!
We need safer schools!
EDUCATION: A big improvement would be reduced class size. Fewer students means that teachers could give more individual attention. Take criminals out of schools. Longer school days. After school activities and programs: music, art, dance math lab and reading. Raise standards and prepare them for college. Enforce SCHOOL SAFETY RULES. High quality learning in technology, science, computers and advanced math. Job training!
New courses in gun violence, crime, respect for other people, pride in your neighborhood, the dangers of doing drugs and courses in preparation for high school, college and trade schools. This will be my top priority in the Public Schools.
Crime: Murders, gun violence and all types of crime has been increasing over the past four years. I will write stiffer crime laws and stiff laws that will punish people who commit crimes using illegal firearms. I will give the police the funds and tools to do their job.
I support our Police 100%